Have you noticed that summer is gone. It made it final exit with grace. The calendar says October but, the temps this week have felt like summer. I was in Sacramento on Wednesday waiting for my granddaughter to get out of class and the weather felt like summer the people were dressed in shorts and short sleeves.
Autumn, however! is on display. Which makes for an interesting dance. The colors are dazzling and sunlit, The best of both seasons. Unlike Sooooooo many folks, I am not a fan of fall and winter, But looking at its jazzy reds and gaudy golds, with the "crisp" mornings with mosquito's still moving and doing what they do best, bite. I know it's all a prelude to bare trees and blasts of wind. Months of gray sky, gray fields,with this comes a feeling of grayness to some. A quote by Albert Camus "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower". Picture that on a gray day. As we kissed Summer good-bye and applaud with good cheer the great show autumn has staged for us.
This may be a gray season but there are some great Holidays that come with the season , so enjoy the season that is set before us in the spirit that it comes.