Some days I have to wonder about doctors. Some of the ones I hear about are, well, atrocious.
Which makes me even more thankful for the doctors I have.
I've said before how much I appreciate my general practitioner Craig Gillespie. The day I was first diagnosed with cancer he told me something I'll never forget:
"Some times in someone's life they have to come first. This is your time. If you need to see me just come by, you don't need an appointment. If you need to talk to me, just call and tell them I told you to call."
What a comfort.
But even more important was the reaction of my current oncologist when I told him I wanted to follow the Budwig Protocol to fight cancer this time.
Others have told me when they told their doctors they planned to pursue an alternative course, the doctors have said my way or the highway and kicked them to the curb. So not only are these people scared, they're now on their own.
My doc, James Long, did exactly the opposite. Not only did he tell me he was there to support me and do whatever he can for me, no matter what I do, he'd spent the time to look into the Budwig protocol and told me the science was sound.
"There are a lot of things in this world that fight cancer," he said. Some don't have the money or can't pursue FDA approval but that doesn't mean they can't work, he said.
Can you imagine how comforting that felt? I'll be forever grateful for that.
Now these weren't the only two doctors I've dealt with on this cancer journey. My first oncologist was a good guy and my surgeon, well, he was good, funny and cute. I had a friend pick me up after surgery and she couldn't quite talk enough about how cute he was. But I'll give her that.
But Dr. Gillespie and Dr. Long, they're two special people. No matter what happens, I'm grateful to them.