I had my first PET scan the other day. In this lovely test, they inject you with radiactive glucose, make you rest for more than an hour, (no reading, no nothing) then stick you in a metal tube for half an hour to see where the glucose goes.
Theory is, cancer likes sugar. If you have bits of your body glowing, thar might be cancer in them thar cells.
Only problem with this theory. Other things like sugar, too, including infections. Scars turn up to be hot spots, as do past injuries.
So I take my results with a grain of salt - or shall we say sugar.
My chest is hot. Now if I actually had breasts any more that might mean something different. In this instance, it means my chest glows.
Not the best thing in the world. But not unexpected either. This is where the rash is. This is where the yeast infection may be. This is where the biopsies showed cancer.
Problem is, this rash covers an area almost armpit to armpit. And the biopsy was two little bits of flesh removed in two specific places. Who knows what else might be where.
And the PET scan doesn't tell me what hot spot is what. As the doctors have said, this could be a mix of cancer and infection. No one knows for sure. We'll see in two months when I have another test, a CT scan this time, which will tell us how things may have changed.
Now the goal here, folks, is for my chest not to be hot any more. I hope in two months to have eaten away much of the hot spots with black salve and yew salve and for the Budwig protocal to have dealt with things from the inside.
Unfortunately, I caught that nasty cold going around and right now my chest is hot and congested.
Oh, well. Maybe I can cough away some of these hot spots.