I've been spotting my chest with little blobs of black salve and they seem to be working. Well, at least I pulled a pocket of pus off my chest a couple of days ago.
Yes, pockets of pus. Well, more like gunky, ucky, blech stuff that comes out after you have a blister or scrape your knee and it gets infected. Yeah, well, that could be called pus.
It's interesting, like watching a car accident. First you put the salve on and cover it with a bandage. You leave it for 12 hours. You might put more on at that point, you might not.
Days pass. Every morning and night you clean it with hydrogen peroxide and put new bandages on.
Eventually, a plate of pus forms. Eventually, it falls off, leaving a bit of raw flesh behind. You keep cleaning and covering and it heals over, good as new. Well, a scar, maybe, but still better than cancer.
At least that's what's happened with me so far. The biggest one I've removed has been about the size of a pea. I have one about the size of a lima bean almost ready to go - likely the biggest one I'll have, knock on wood.
I have a lot more to do. My chest will likely end up looking like the surface of the moon. But that's a whole lot better than what's there now.
And I wasn't exactly Playboy material in the first place. So who cares.
I can take the pus and the gunk and the yech for as long as it takes to get rid of the cancer.
I never thought I'd be so glad to see pockets of pus.
And, gee, aren't you glad I didn't put a photo with this post???