When I tell people about the Budwig protocol they seem interested until I get to the key part - the cottage cheese and flax seed oil combo. They they stop and go, "Eeww, really?"
Yeah, really. I just had mine. And it can be pretty tasty.
The cornerstone of the protocal is the combined cottage cheese and flax seed oil. It had to do with building up your cells and that sort of thing. And the sulfar in the cottage cheese combines with the oil to create a new substance which makes it easier for the good stuff to get into your system. That's a layman's explanation. I can get more technical, or find someone who can, if anyone is interested.
So you mix three tablespoons of oil to every six tablespoons of cottage cheese - a 1:2 proportion. You mix it with a hand blender so it combines completely, no oil visible, and it gets the consistency of whipped cream. I usually add some apple juice and carrot juice to make it thinner because I like to drink it rather than eat it. And then I add whatever I like. This morning I blended in half a banana and some boysenberries, and then added fresh pineapple and raisins. Other days I make it with cantaloupe or blueberries or strawberries or apples or any combination thereof.
In the morning you also add two tablespoons of flax seeds, ground. You have a second batch at lunchtime, but with no seeds.
You have to mix it up because you can get tired of anything, no matter how good it is. But it's a nice way to start the morning.
You are one remarkable person. I applaud you,admire you and respect you. Sharing your story will help many. It is encouraging to know that you do not have give up. I do not know if I could do the diet. Cottage cheese is good. There is a word I want to leave with you" So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I Will strenghen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" Isaiah 41:10 NIV. I love you Big C.
Posted by: The Loss | February 24, 2008 at 07:25 PM