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December 20, 2010


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You are of course not that ignrant of your Mohammed's vile raping of little Aisha, and his torture and beheading of a beautiful Jewish wife's husband, father and brothers, then raping her the same day taking her as 'his wife'?


Why would a woman follow that religion, of her own free will, you are in Islam of your own free will, if you are in the West, are you not?


I noticed your comment about genital 'cutting', which is putting it mildly, Zeena, you said it is a cultural thing and not Islamic. I believeyou are mistaken. What other group has ever done female genital mutilation/gouging/destrucion of the anatomy but Islamic people? I know not all Islamic people do this, but no other group has ever done this to girls except Muslims. Can you prove here what you said, will you show with facts how we might be wrong about that? Can you back your statement up in any of history?


Ingrid, this article was written by Sumbul Ali, as mentioned in the title of this post, so you the questions you have related to the article can be better answered by her.
As reagarding your comments on Muhammad,I would like you to read up on authentic historical information regarding his character: Muhammad has been ranked as one of the greatest men in all spheres of life, a conclusion reached by unbiased publications including those of other religions such as The Britannica Encyclopedia and testimonies from other western scholarly figures, further detaching us from negative myths about Muhammad.

Alphonse de Lamar Tine, in the book "Histoire De La Turquie," published in Paris, wrote:

"As regards all the standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, 'is there any man greater than (Muhammad)?'"

Forwarding you a few links :

fyi, he was married to Khadija from the age of 22 to 53, until the time she died - and all the wives he had after that were to set an example concerning what is permissable, etc.

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About Zeenat Umar

  • Muslim Girl
    I see an innaccurate sketch of myself, a Muslim woman, in the eyes of many in my country, the United States of America. Who is responsible? Deafening politicians, self-proclaimed Islamicists, misinformed media, or perhaps, plain ignorance. As an educated, practicing Muslim, I wish to give Muslim women a voice through my life, and my vision of the world at large.

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