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September 14, 2010


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Qambar Raza

this is so true.. it always nice to know other person's prospectus...

very nicely portrayed...

Shahzad Khan

The last statement was incredible... "there is an unbreakable spirit rooted in Karachi, perhaps the whole of Pakistan, that refuses to succumb, even to reality. "

The ironic tone is very evident there; it is a bit diffult to understand and this 'exception to rational logic' challenges our view of what is conventionally understood to be the axioms of our reality.

Th indefatigable spirit of the Pakistanis that makes them challenge the word 'impossible' at every step is really not rational... but then so is doing anything meaningful in a scenario without electricity, law and order and social safety nets.

Still haven't figured out how and why everyone manages just fine though... perhaps it has to do with a lack of choice; or maybe we are mistaken about what we should accept as 'necessities in this life', persuaded by TV and radio ads and the popular press.

Ingenuity usually comes about when some necessity exists .... I'll point out the fact that less than 2K Pakistanis perished in the floods that were literally biblical in proportions... worst than the Tsunami that hit East Asia a few years ago.

Nice article though. Makes me wish I was back in Islamabad.

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About Zeenat Umar

  • Muslim Girl
    I see an innaccurate sketch of myself, a Muslim woman, in the eyes of many in my country, the United States of America. Who is responsible? Deafening politicians, self-proclaimed Islamicists, misinformed media, or perhaps, plain ignorance. As an educated, practicing Muslim, I wish to give Muslim women a voice through my life, and my vision of the world at large.

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