All right, the election is over, the issues have been decided, and all in all, it was an easy election. No real drama, other than Proposition 8 here in California. The public has spoken pretty convincingly as to who they want to lead our country for the next four years. Let’s move on, give the guy a chance to put together his cabinet, and see how he does.
I always love listening to conservative radio; it always helps to know what the opposition is saying. Today they are all congratulating Obama, espousing the beauty of the American system, BUT, they then go through the litany of things they don’t like Obama for saying and doing. The common grounds seems to be that they’re all going in to exile, working underground, waiting for Obama to come take the microphone from their cold, dead, hands. I really don’t think Obama is that petty or that worried about what they are going to say. He only did one interview with Conservatives all campaign long, and that was O’Reilly, the crazy.
As Americans we need to support the guy and give him a chance to show us how he’ll solve the issues facing our world. The economy is presently in a recession that is based largely on fear. If Obama comes out with a coherent, comprehensive policy that people understand, I think that’ll go a long way towards helping fix the economy. Let’s face it, he can’t be more socialist in his leanings than the current administration that is picking who should win and who should lose in business. They’re taking an ownership position in the companies that they deem should survive, and they’re telling them what to do with the money that they invest. Never thought we’d see that in America.
The Republicans are pretty close to being irrelevant in the upcoming Congress and I guess they need to decide if they’re going to be obstructions to the programs, or be part of the solution. I would think that they would support stuff, even if they think it’s wrong, let the Democrats hang themselves, they might be better than the gridlock that has been prevalent for the last eight years.
Well; here I am, at the end of the campaign, I guess the lady that is rumbling around the house is the same lady I married all those years ago. She isn’t a fan of politics, so I watched TV in one room for the last 18 months, while she was watching reality TV in the other room. Thank goodness for TIVO, now I can catch up on the world I missed. Hope all of the junkies can stand the detox of no presidential politics for a couple of years. Here comes Palin 2012,I know Tina Fey’s ready, are you?