It’s time that this community stands up and takes control of the situation at Solano Community College. A Community College is an asset of great value to any area. This Community College provides a low cost alternative to a traditional four year education for the students of our community. This College provides technical and vocational training for those students who want to transition directly in to the work world. It also provides upgrades and training opportunities for those who have lost their job in the current slowdown, as well as those who want to improve their skills so that they can get a better job. Having access to this College is a great economic asset to our community.
The students and staff who work at the College also provide a boost to the Cordelia area economy; they shop in those stores, eat in those restaurants, and buy gas at those service stations. There are also students who rent homes in the area to attend the College. All of these acts help our local economy and sales tax revenues.
We as the taxpayers of Solano County have a huge investment in that College. Through taxes and bond measures through the years we have poured a lot of money in to building and improving that facility. If the College loses its accreditation, all of those investments will be for naught.
Accreditation is the all important factor for any Community College. The credits that are earned by students who go to these facilities must be transferrable to other Colleges if that student is to acquire a four year degree. In light of the recent cutbacks in the number of students being admitted to California four year schools, Community Colleges have become a way for graduates to continue their education and then transfer to the four year schools in the future. Also, any licenses or certificates that the College gives to students must be recognized by industries to be of any use to the student.
Apparently, the Board of the College has a history of micromanagement, and poor decision making. They have forced out, or had quit, a number of good administrators; this has led to the Accreditation authorities threatening to pull the certificates of the College. If this were a company faced with this level of malfeasance, there would be changes made. We need to demand the same level of accountability from this Board. They need to face up to their responsibilities and they need to allow people who have the ability to correct the problems faced by the institution. We as a community have too much to lose financially and too much to lose culturally to let this bad situation continue.
I wish Solano Community College and community luck. I can't believe the Board let this happen. It all boils down to politics and greediness.
Posted by: Vector Marketing Corporation | January 22, 2009 at 02:10 PM