Finally, the candidates stand side by side and talk to each other rather than at each other. For a political junkie this was great. Of course the scoring by the pundits will take up the rest of the weekend. It’ll be interesting to see what the experts say. I felt that Obama was the clear winner of the debate. It appeared to me that Obama kept McCain back on his heels, defending his positions and trying to push forward the thought that Obama isn’t ready to be Commander in Chief. Watching the debates, I came away with the feeling that Obama is ready to be Commander in Chief. He gave thoughtful and well researched explanations of his views. I didn’t necessarily agree with everything he laid out, but I felt he made sense. McCain seemed to be stuck on the Surge and Iraq. I agree, the Surge did make things better, but I still ask the question, what is a win in Iraq? Haven’t we set up a democracy, haven’t they had elections, isn’t their economy in better shape than ours? What else do we need to give these folks ?
What I saw was a McCain who was getting clearly upset and clearly felt that he was being ganged up upon. I’m sure that tomorrow the McCain campaign will complain about the moderator, and claim that the press is in the tank for Obama. This is growing tired in my estimation. Again, if you don’t like the criticism you cry foul. When did politics become so thin skinned? If you don’t want to play hardball, don’t throw the first bean ball. Both of these candidates were going to be high minded and keep the campaign above the gutter. Obviously, they haven’t done that, they have let their campaigns throw brickbats to the right and the left. I truly believe that neither of the candidates are the authors of these ads, they may not even see them, but as long as they endorse the ads at the end, it’s their advertisement.
I was very disappointed in the way that the candidates handled the negotiations over the economic bill. McCain came in as the person that was going to solve the problem, and he left Washington with his tail between his legs. No one gave him the chance to be a leader or show his negotiation skills, he just appeared to be window dressing for the President during his meeting. Obama went and didn’t do anything except attend the meeting with the President. It would seem that something as important as this would be an opportunity to shine. It appears that they have decided they don’t want to be attached to the plan, in case it goes bad.