It’s time that the Fairfield Suisun Unified School District and this community decide to undertake a massive shake up in the way that their schools teach. I read the recent test scores for the schools in this District and I’m upset. I’ve been an activist parent for 15 years and for all those years the District has had problems with their test scores. Many teachers and administrators have complained that they think it’s wrong to teach to the test. Well guess what? We all have to meet objectives that we may not think are fair, but those are the rules and we need to conform.
I don’t want to make a blanket indictment of all the District’s schools. There are schools within the District that are doing a good job. When the school assessments come out, you will see that some succeed and some fail. The only problem is that it seems to consistently be the same schools in the same places on the score cards. Where is the change? When will all schools here succeed?
As an education consumer in this District we had to be smart shoppers throughout our children’s careers. We reviewed test scores, talked with parents, talked with administrators, and then decided where to place our children. We then went to the District and refused to accept any school other than the one that we had decided upon. Others need to be that demanding. Your children are our future!
Schools are communities. Parents, teachers, children, and administrators all need to work together and make a commitment to excellence. Keep in mind, the expectations of the District and the State are bare minimums of acceptability. For the children to get the proper education, you need to find those people who go above and beyond the minimum. People, who are in education because it is their passion, and not just a job, are the ones that get things done. Go to a Parent-Teacher conference, and you can tell who is trying and who is just going through the motions.
Everyone thinks Charter Schools or vouchers will be the answer. I don’t believe that is true. I think the way to improve the schools in this, or any District, is for parents to take an active role in their children’s education and accept nothing but the best. My experience is that behind every successful student is a team of parents, teachers, and administrators that are committed to that child’s success. Throwing money at the problem is not the answer either. It requires a team committed to making sure that the money is spent effectively. Each school site has a Site Committee which gives input on how discretionary funds are spent. These committees go begging for parents that are willing to be part of the solution. PTOs, PTA, and other parent teacher organizations are rarely really a force in the school. They may do some fundraising, but they rarely take an active role in shaping the school. That needs to change.
One of the most important yardsticks of any community is the quality of their schools. Parents pick a community based on the schools; businesses choose to place their facilities in towns where there are good schools; cultural centers arise where there are good schools with creative students who can support the arts. It’s time that this community step up, say enough is enough, stop whining, and start working together to make the changes that need to be made.