Wow, after all the talk about change and mavericks in this Presidential election, it certainly seems to be politics as usual, only more so. What happened to the civil discourse that was promised? What happened to changing the way campaigns are run?Isn't it great that the "Swift Boaters" are giving the Republicans their talking points.
The biggest issue of the week has been how many houses does McCain own. Is he so rich he’s never counted, or is he so old that he can’t remember how many he has? The current commercial seems to ask both questions. The competing commercial questions how Obama was able to afford his mansion in Chicago,some say financed by a convicted felon, saying people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. How does any of this stuff advance the decisions on America’s future? Of course, the conservative radio hosts have counted up the number of houses owned by every prominent democrat going back to FDR? Who cares?
Let’s face it; we’re saddled with two candidates who weren’t the front runners in their respective parties. The public was so hungry for something new that they voted against the status quo, begging for someone to come forward and come up with new ideas that would take the country in a new direction. The public listened to the candidates speak during each of the primaries, and heard soaring speeches filled with the rhetoric of change. As soon as the ink dried on their presumptive wins, the candidates rushed to the center, dropping their rhetoric at the door like overcoats. They can’t admit they’ve changed their minds, so they try to twist the logic, parsing their words to that the new policy seems to be an evolution of the original idea.
Iraq has tired of our occupation and has made plans to toss us out and this has given McCain the win his surge policy needed. We leave with honor as Iraq shows us he door, and closes it behind us. Within 10 years they’ll be wailing about the American devil, and using our oil money to revile us. The only question is what about the 100 year occupation, will they let us stay or not? Of course the next big question is, will McCain take on the conservatives and name a V.P who will help him carry a state, and not someone who meets the conservative litmus test of Pro Life. Will McCain suddenly become aware of economics and come up with a real policy rather than trying to make excuses for the failed policies that have gotten us here.
Obama has lost the centerpiece of his campaign. We’ll be leaving Iraq by the time the next President assumes the office, so what will Obama have to do for the first 16 months of his Presidency, if he’s the one. Of course, he backed away from that too. With naming a Vice-President and having a convention will he have time to make concrete policies to address the real issues of the day, or will he depend on soaring rhetoric to sweep him to the White House.
As I guess you can tell, I’m disgusted by a campaign cycle that I had high hopes would be the start of something different. I guess the world of politics is harder to change than I had hoped. I‘ve gone from hope to despair, it’s another lesser of two evils vote. I’m so tired of this. Now I just heard that Biden is the V.P. choice, wow what a new direction.