O.K., does anyone have any question that both Obama and McCain are patriotic Americans? Let’s face it, they could both make more money outside politics, and they wouldn’t go through the beating they take from the campaigns and the press. So it must be hubris and or patriotism that make them willing to go through this and run for this office. They must feel that they have the answers to lead the U.S. To go through all this they must be patriotic.
It seems like this kind of stuff is a keystone of most elections. It seems much easier to throw these kinds of charges around, rather than have a conversation about how they will solve the problems of the country. Isn’t the public tired of this kind of stuff? Aren’t they looking for a leader who can solve the problems facing the nation? Isn’t part of the change that everyone says that they crave a new campaign that doesn’t resort to gotchas and vague charges? Both candidates paint themselves as “new politicians” who aren’t going to resort to this type of campaigning, but they just don’t seem to be able to stop themselves from falling back to the old politics. Maybe it’s because their strategists are old school politicians, and can’t help themselves either. I guess they think that if they have a surrogate say something, we aren’t smart enough to realize they were sent out there to say it. Apparently, MC Cain’s group thought that it was necessary to point out that Mc Cain would be the best if we were under a terror attack, obviously the candidate couldn’t say this, but the surrogate could and did. Mc Cain rushes out, apologizes, berates the surrogate (wink, wink) but doesn’t drop the guy from the campaign. This week Obama’s campaign sends Wesley Clark out to take a shot at Mc Cain on his strongest selling point, his war record. If it makes a few people think and changes a few minds, what the hey. Of course Obama rushes out and denies the whole thing. Like the T.V lawyer who asks a question he knows is going to be objected to, and withdrawn, the point has been made. I really wish this would stop, and I wish the electorate was too smart to buy in to this and reward the campaigns.
It seems that we really need to stop accepting this type of campaigning and demand that the issues that are important to us, the economy, energy, and the war, be the only thing we are willing to listen to discussions about. Let’s all agree to this and make the politicians change the way they do business. Let’s face it, we’re their bosses.
By the way, I was listening to talk about how great it was that the current Administration put Supreme Court Justices in that strictly interpret the Constitution, I was wondering, is this the same Administration that has passed laws that usurp people’s Constitutional rights, and when they don’t get the laws that they want, they just ignore the law and rewrite the procedures the way they want, is that patriotic?
Happy Independence Day!!