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June 15, 2008


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Jason Argile

I am excited about the upcoming summer months. I have yet to make my mind up on which candidate to vote for come November and the campaigning over the next few months will help me make that decision. Hell, I might even vote for a third party candidate! I just hope that these candidates dont try to drum up support for themselves with the war hero/black candidate identities. It would be nice if for once we could choose a president on their qualities and poltical ideas, not their race or history. Great article.

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About Dave Colomb

  • It's Time
    Dave Colomb, 56, has lived in Fairfield 28 years. He's involved in local politics as a volunteer and is extremely interested in the way our government works. He misses the good old days when politics was about helping people instead of keeping their "phony baloney jobs," in the words of the great philosopher Mel Brooks.

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