It’s time that we stop paying all this money to oil powers in foreign lands. The oil powers take our money, hold our economy hostage, and then, in many cases, fund terror against us. Isn’t it time that we stop the insanity?
It seems that we need to begin to seek out the changes that will give us power over our own energy future. France, the U.S. Navy, and other countries have used nuclear power without incident for years. We had one incident, over 20 years ago, that stopped us in our tracks, and don’t you think our technology has progressed to the point where we can do this safely?
Where is the "Apollo program" to help develop new energy sources? If we’re going to pay all this money for energy, shouldn’t we either get the energy companies to invest in new technologies, or we should use tax funds to bring new technologies on line. Yes, some of this will take time, but the future looks pretty dark otherwise.
Again, it seems time that we have the technologies, and the common sense to drill for oil in areas within the North American continent. We should be able to do this with minimal impact on the environment. Let’s face it; the tanker ships that now bring in the oil from the Middle East is a huge catastrophe waiting to happen. It seems drilling on solid ground, or off the coast would be no more dangerous than this.
It’s time that we fund mass transit between and within the major cities of this country. AMTRAK is a disaster, but with leadership, and new technologies, we could move more people, more efficiently, and more cheaply, than the auto does today.
Oil Shale, clean coal, wind powers, and even solar should be part of an integrated plan that gives the country the power it needs in areas where each type of energy makes sense. There is no ‘silver bullet" answer, or one size fits all approach that will work. We need people working together, for the good of the country, making decisions, and coordinating programs, before it’s too late.
All of these changes will lead to new jobs, in exciting new fields, for Americans. The money spent by the government and private industry, will be spent within the U.S, instead of overseas. These programs and companies will pay taxes and help the economy. Who loses in this scenario? Only foreign powers. who don’t like us anyway.
It seems like it’s time to make changes, and take control of our destiny.