It’s time that we, as Americans, stop worrying about the minor issues of a political campaign, and begin looking for the person who can lead the nation, and control the Congress, and get the things done, that need to be done, to move America forward. It shouldn’t matter if that person is a black man, white women, war hero, or a Martian. We need to find the person who has the tools to do the job.
It’s obvious that whoever our next leader is, they are going to need to provide a vision that the American people can buy in to, and they are going to have to bring Congress, kicking and screaming to the point of making the hard decisions that will need to be made to move America forward.
Let’s be honest, all three of the current possible Presidents have the ability and knowledge to hold the job. They all have different ideas on what it will take to solve the problems, and they even have different ideas on what the problems are. We need to hear exactly what they see as the problems and we need to hear detailed plans to solve the problems. They need to stand before the people and give information on what their administration will look like, not stand before us and make up stories about their past actions, or to play gotcha with something that an opponent said. Let’s face it, if you were to spend the hours and days that these people spend, before crowds, answering questions, we would all probably say things, that when they are played back 50 times, would not make sense, or would sound funny in some sense.
It seems that the politicians have begun to think that we don’t have the attention span to deal with the issues. They feed us personality attacks on each other and each party instead of the answers to the tough questions. The political parties seem to take polar opposite positions, which leave no room for compromise, and therefore, there is no motion to address the issue. There is just an opportunity to stand before the cameras and paint the other side as the bad guys, and themselves as the angels trying to keep the country safe. We, as Americans, need to stop this game from being played, and we need to demand that these people step up and work together to address the problems.
We need to demand movement on the issues. And we need to demand responsibility from our politicians, if they can’t work together, they need to be replaced. Today’s issues are the product of the failures of leadership and the Congress of the last Administrations having a take it or leave it attitude. The attitude needs to change and change soon.
Please get involved in the process, search for the answers to your questions and vote your heart, and your head. Please don’t worry about trying to give a hero, a woman, or a black man the chance, give the person who will actually step up and make things happen your vote.