Dude Who Makes Movies I'm nothing special. In fact, I haven't really done much you would know me by. Raised by great parents, I went to a private Christian school named Kingsview (which I named a failed metal band after later in life), moved to Littleton, CO and attended Columbine Elementary school (which I was glad to have moved away from before my senior year), then moved here to Fairfield and went to Amy Blanc, Dover Middle School and FHS. I had wonderful fights with wonderfully liberal teachers, then attended a little bit of college (went to about 4 or so to play the field), and settled on the San Francisco School of Digital Filmmaking, graduating last year. Since I finished school and started living, I met the love of my life Julia whom I will marry and make babies with, and have started on the path of making my hugely epic movies while continuing to work hard for my church."
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Hi Josh, I spoke to you about a year ago when I started my movie. Here is the trailer.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c7iDd3lanM
Posted by: Lisa SMith-Bryant | June 01, 2010 at 07:34 PM