« Josh Cook, assistant director for No Ambition, writer at CBS 13 west Sacramento, and chief of awesomeness. (note, Daily Republic always changes the title of my blogs anyway.) | Main | I like the Waterfront District in Suisun. »

July 23, 2008



Wow, sounds like you've having a great time and turning Suisun City into the next Hollywood. Well, now wait, hmm. Is that a good thing?
At least you're going in the same footsteps as Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and Clint Eastwood. Not bad.


Have you had many reactions from people seeing you filming in Suisun?


Yes, we shot at The Joy of Eating Sunday night and there were several people slowing down as they drove by, and when I sat one of the actors Jeffrey Davis down at Athenian Grill in front of his shrimp souvlaki, I made sure he was taken care of, the waitress was very interested in who this guy was and why he was here. I said, "I'm shooting a movie." She looked very excited. Also, major thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Yesi at The Joy of Eating, I really appreciate your help!

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About Josh Harris

  • Dude Who Makes Movies
    I'm nothing special. In fact, I haven't really done much you would know me by. Raised by great parents, I went to a private Christian school named Kingsview (which I named a failed metal band after later in life), moved to Littleton, CO and attended Columbine Elementary school (which I was glad to have moved away from before my senior year), then moved here to Fairfield and went to Amy Blanc, Dover Middle School and FHS. I had wonderful fights with wonderfully liberal teachers, then attended a little bit of college (went to about 4 or so to play the field), and settled on the San Francisco School of Digital Filmmaking, graduating last year. Since I finished school and started living, I met the love of my life Julia whom I will marry and make babies with, and have started on the path of making my hugely epic movies while continuing to work hard for my church."

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