I'll post some pictures soon, but the shoot has been going great so far! It's been a lot of fun and there has been a lot of hilarious footage taken. My main impression so far is that scheduling an indie movie is pretty difficult, mostly because the actors and crew all have day jobs and are under the thumb of commerce and managers all over northern California... sigh. I do what I can.
My main impression so far after that... man, I miss my wife. She goes to school and I'm shooting a movie... she makes it out to the set sometimes, but not nearly enough. I miss her.
But other than that, I love this stuff! I can't imagine doing anything else with my life and enjoying it this much. Although, with movies like Dark Knight coming out, it's hard to imagine reaching the pinnacle of this business any time soon, but in the meantime, I can enjoy myself and hopefully make a living doing what I love. I'm not in this to be the best, just the best I can be. But don't get me wrong, of course I'm going to be the best ever... :)
I have secured the services of David Fine (Rent, Pursuit of Happyness) and George Maguire (Fight Club, Pursuit of Happyness), who have both agreed to play roles in the movie. It's pretty exciting to get such experienced and talented actors in the mix, and it will be great seeing them work with the young new actors in their scenes. Be sure to check out Burn Notice this week to watch David's role as "Baranski" in the episode entitled "Trust Me". Also, if you are interested in becoming an actor yourself, make sure you enroll in George's excellent acting training at Solano College. He's amazing.
There was one change in the cast, playing the role of Eric Craig is Anthony Peters, who is an Army vet from Iraq and a purple heart winner. He and Travis Straw, who plays Dustin Broderick, are hilarious together, and I couldn't have picked any better for this movie.
We've been shooting quite a bit in the Waterfront District in Suisun, which is awesome. I don't think I could have picked a better location to shoot the movie, the place looks amazing. As far as I'm concerned, Suisun is the SPOT. All people reading this should go eat every meal you can down there. You can eat at Chili's or Red Lobster in any city, but you can't eat at Bab's, or The Joy of Eating, or Athenian Grill or Uncle Bong's pizza where you can listen to killer karaoke or watch a game or something, anywhere else but Suisun. Try it, you will fall in love with the Waterfront district. There truly is a renaissance going on down there.
Anyways, enough raving, I need to go to sleep. I have a long day tomorrow. Again, pictures soon!
Wow, sounds like you've having a great time and turning Suisun City into the next Hollywood. Well, now wait, hmm. Is that a good thing?
At least you're going in the same footsteps as Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and Clint Eastwood. Not bad.
Posted by: Kathy | July 23, 2008 at 04:21 PM
Have you had many reactions from people seeing you filming in Suisun?
Posted by: Kathy | July 29, 2008 at 11:48 AM
Yes, we shot at The Joy of Eating Sunday night and there were several people slowing down as they drove by, and when I sat one of the actors Jeffrey Davis down at Athenian Grill in front of his shrimp souvlaki, I made sure he was taken care of, the waitress was very interested in who this guy was and why he was here. I said, "I'm shooting a movie." She looked very excited. Also, major thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Yesi at The Joy of Eating, I really appreciate your help!
Posted by: Josh | July 29, 2008 at 11:52 AM