So... it's been exactly way too long since I wrote a blog here. Where do I even start? I've been so absolutely busy.
Pre-production for No Ambition is moving along. For those who don't know what pre-production is like drafting a long detailed battle plan which you know you will probably end up improvising around when the time comes to enter battle. It's a necessary evil. For those who don't know what No Ambition is, it's a feature length comedy about four guys who live in Solano County and struggle to make their dreams a reality, by hanging out at their friend's grandma's house playing video games every day.
Anyways, pre-production means talking to people. It's all about communication. One thing I know about communication is that you can never be good enough at communication. I've been able to get most my crew, and I'm currently holding audition for several smaller parts, but I'm also finding people to help me communicate to those people what needs to happen. It's not an easy task, but it's slowly coming together.
Also... I'm getting married in 5 days to Julia Stensrud. Currently she is in Cosmetology school learning makeup and hair so she can work on all the movies I'm going to make. I'm trying to make sure I get everything I need to do done in the next couple days so that I can relax and enjoy later this week. I can't wait, I am a person who truly believes that marriage is a blessing. I'm glad I waited for the person God intended for me :)
The worst part about life right now... unfortunately a person rear ended the car we planned on taking on our honeymoon, so now we have to see if they will get us a rental car while this one is fixed.
I'm starting my business up with my partner Dave Payne soon. Later today, in fact in about two hours we're going over the paper work. The business name is going to be Fio Studios LLC (Fio is pronounced fie-oh, and means "it will be done" in Latin) and hopefully that will be the umbrella company which I do most my work with.
Ok, so that's a lot of fairly vague details about myself, but the point is, I'm doing great, I'm just very busy. I would like to go into more details about everything, but everything I'm currently working on involves heavy planning for the future, and since I won't predict the future, I won't be able to elaborate more, because elaboration falls into line with trying to predict how the future is going to be. Who can say? My perspective is, work hard now so you can get a shot at doing the hard work later, then work hard later.
Coming up soon, I have a series of conversations with my friend Isaac Escobedo about movies today...