Have you heard of the Master Gardeners of Solano County? Do you know who
we are and what we do?
We are homemakers, teachers, professors, and people from every walk of
life. The Master Gardener program is a group of 88 active volunteers
under the guidance of our county-funded Master Gardener program
coordinator, Jennifer Baumbach. She is the only paid person managing the
Master Gardeners.
The office that houses us is known by many different names: UC
Cooperative Extension, Solano County Cooperative Extension, and
Cooperative Extension.
These are all the same entity. We are also part of the program that
includes 4-H clubs, Livestock and Natural Resources, Small Farms and
Urban Horticulture, and Nutrition, Family and Consumer Science. Most
people dont realize what a rich and diverse unit this is.
We Master Gardeners are known for our passion of gardening and teaching
others what we have learned. This past year we have come in contact in
excess of 3,000 county residents, helping you with gardening questions
big and small.
To become a Master Gardener requires 50 hours of classroom studies over
16 weeks of UC Cooperative Extension training in horticulture. Classes
are taught by professors in the UC system, in the field, and Master
The trainees are taught fruit tree growing, safe use of fertilizers,
ways to use less pesticide by employing integrated pest management,
water usage, soil management/modification, and pest and weed
identification, to name a few.
Once we pass the written test and graduate, we are ready to pass this
knowledge on to you, the public.
Some of the events that you will find the Solano County Master Gardener
volunteers at include:
The libraries in the county where we give talks on gardening once a month.
Dixon May Fair, Solano County Fair, Lambtown and Morningsun Herb Farm.
We had a workshop at Foster Lumber Yard on making a container and
growing your own vegetables.
Weve spoken at the Napa Camellia Society, Vaca Valley Garden Club,
Geranium Club and Leisure Town Womans Club.
Master Gardeners are part of Suisun Valley Family Farm Fun Days,
Fairfield Health Fairs, Fairfield Tomato Festival, and the Solano County
Resource Conservation District plant sales in Vacaville.
Weve led garden tours in most Solano County cities as well as working
with elementary schools.
We write garden articles that are published in the Daily Republic on a
weekly basis.
Our Seed for Thought quarterly newsletter is completely created by the
Master Gardeners.
We write articles for the Vaca Valley Garden Club newsletter.
If you have a plant or insect problem and cant visit us in person, you
can e-mail your problem to us at [email protected] or call our
hotline 784-1322.
You are welcome to walk into the office at 501 Texas St., first floor,
Fairfield, and someone will help you with you plant or insect problem.
We designed and planted the Childrens Memorial Garden at the Solano
County Childrens Health and Social Service Facility, 275 Beck Ave.,
Fairfield. We maintain this garden every month during the spring,
summer, fall and as needed during the winter months.
Once a year we hold a workshop on propagation where you learn how to
grow plants so you can create more of the plants you like without having
to purchase them.
We have had workshops on rose care that included not only how to care
for them but how to prune them so you will have wonderful roses.
Last year, we held a public plant exchange where you bring in plants you
no longer want or that you wanted to share and exchange for other unique
This way you got to choose from different plants. Maybe one you might
not have thought you would like, or ones you would like to have but just
hadnt purchased because you were not sure what they would look like or
if they would fit in your garden.
Our wreath workshop is the only project that we charge for. But you make
a beautiful wreath from cuttings we have gathered. You also get to add
natural decorations and a bow of your choice that we supply. This way
you have a beautiful wreath you have made yourself to hang on your door
or above your mantel.
Let the Master Gardeners of Solano County be your resource for all
things gardening.
Betty Victor is a Master Gardener with the University of California
Cooperative Extension office in Fairfield. If you have gardening
questions, you can call the Master Gardeners office at 784-1322.
Nice post,
The volunteers are doing some great jobs,
Thanks for writing about it
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