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November 17, 2008


Darrell Schramm

I have a 'tagetes lemonii' in the front along the driveway and one on my backyard hillside. Some people love it and ask for seeds. (It seeds easily.) Others loathe the smell. And one person who helped me cut it back broke out in a rash. A temperamental plant. On the other hand, I cut it back severely every winter, and it blooms prolifically afterwards. However, though I like its airy and lacey quaIity, I think I may remove the one in front in favor of a rose (my passion).

Kathy Thomas-Rico

I do the same thing with our 'Copper Canyons' (we must have six): whack them all down to nubbins some time in February. The plant does have a very strong, marigold-times-ten scent when brushed, but I can forgive it that when it's glowing gold in December! They apparently are short-lived plants, so you could just wait out the life of the one you're considering removing.

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